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BZZ Boutique

Petal Bio

Petal \pe-təl\: (v) to spread out; (n) one of the modified often brightly colored leaves of the corolla of a flower. New Latin petalum, from Greek petalon; akin to Greek petannynai. First known use: circa 1726 

Petal1 \pe-təl won\: (n) Graffiti Artist, Designer, Iconographer, Beekeeper. New English peddler, petalpusher, petalistic. First known use: Los Angeles CA, circa 1993

Petal1, creator of Bzz Brand, is a Los Angeles graffiti artist best known for her iconic “DangerBeez” killer bee characters, invading walls across the city since the 1990’s. Iconography, abstract letter formations, and bees are the focus of her work. Her signature swarm and hive designs are inspired by a lifelong love for bees, she is also a beekeeper.

Petal started writing graffiti at the age of 13. Over time and through much practice and observation of graffiti masters, she evolved to create elaborate colorful pieces. Her murals and canvases can now be seen throughout streets galleries and museums worldwide. Bold and colorful, her letter work is rooted in traditional Los Angeles style graffiti, infusing elements of Armenian and Arabic calligraphy. Working primarily on a large scale, aerosol is her primary medium. Notably one of three women out of 150 artists published in the Getty Museums first graffiti art project, the LA Getty black book, "LA Liber Amicorum", Petal is dedicated to breaking barriers and creating opportunities for women and underrepresented artists. As an arts-educator and activist, Petal utilizes murals as a vehicle of expression and community empowerment. She teaches mural workshops, youth art programs, and lectures on women in graffiti and public art at universities across the country. She is a member of United Painters and Public Artists (UPPA) Leadership Council and was instrumental in defending artists rights during the development of the new mural ordinance in Los Angeles. She also produced the first symposium on LA graffiti women, Las Amazonas: The Herstory of Female Graffiti Artists in Los Angeles, at the El Segundo Museum of Art. 

Petal's arts education took place in the Los Angeles River & Arts District, she also holds degrees in linguistics and anthropology from UCLA.